In this Vol. 1 you will learn: Windmill, Hand Spin, Six Step, Up Rock, W ave, Glide, Popping, Kip Ups, Valdez, Swipes, Double Legged Swipes, Kn ee Drop and Combinations. Here are just a few examples of what you'll learn: One Legged Swipes - A break dance floor movement known for its aerial twisting of the body. In this video you will be taught both, t he one legged swipes and the double legged swipes. Six Step Shuffle - This is the basic floor movement utilized in break dancing known for i ts quick steps. This is the primary basis from where most break dancin g maneuvers begin. The Windmill - One of the most popular and dynamic movements in break dancing. This video will teach you this impressive movement as well as popping, glide, up rock and many more. The Hand Sp in - A break dance floor movement that combines balance and technique, this video teaches you in detail how to learn balance on your wrist a s well as correct body movement.
Volume 2
In this Vol. 2 you will learn: Flares, 1990's , Head Spin, Jack Hammers, Coin Drop, Back Spin, Robot, Hurricanes, Fr eezes, Air Freeze, Elbow Swipes, Turtles, Jester Kicks, Side Shuffle a nd Combinations. Here are just a few examples of what you'll learn: He ad Spin - One of the most challenging moves performed by breakdancers. It has become a signature move by breakdancers worldwide. Flares - A move first done by Kurt Thomas in the 1984 Olympics. Now a popular ste p performed by breakdancing today. Back Spin - A fundamental move sinc e the beginning of breakdancing. Air Freeze - Learn this and many more freezes step by step on Volume 2.
Volume 3
In this Vol. 3, "The Art of Popping an d Locking ", you will learn: Wave Breakdown, Strobe Walk, Cent ipede (worm), Moon Walk, Backward Centipede, The Wall, The Ball, Float ing Head, Wave Kick Locking Moves and Combinations. Here are just a fe w examples of what you'll learn: Wave Break Down - An advance wave mov ement where body is involved in vertical movement along with waving. C entipede (worm) - Learn both the front centipede and back centipede. L ocking - Learn locking movements and combinations step by step in deta il. Body Isolation Moves - Learn some of the most visual body isolatio n movements including the ball, the wall and many more on Volume 3.
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